Saturday, October 30, 2010

Time with Daddy

Today Gregory got to spend quality time with Dad. They got up bright and early and cut the grass, even when it started to rain they finished the job. I brought them drinks quesadillas and grapes for breakfast, all of which got rained on but they didn't care they were having fun. Then they came in for a break, we all ate lunch and played together, and then the kids took naps (not at the same time of course lol.). Next, they washed the car, Gregory got soaking wet and had a blast.

If my Grandmom were still alive I imagined what she would say, "He will catch a cold if you don't cover his neck!" Well Grandmom, I wish you were here to see what I came outside to find....

 Adam and Gregory stopped the ice cream man. Its not even 70 degrees outside and they are soaking wet from washing the car eating ice cream. (Pop Pop this ones for you.)

But who cares about all the rules right? I didn't. I thought it was splendid. 

So did this little guy.

Gregory, your father truly loves you.

Friday, October 29, 2010

A Walk Down Memory Lane

Yesterday I drove out to Claremont to visit with my Grandma Mimi who is in town for a few weeks from Spokane, WA. For those of you who don't know her she is my Mom's Mom, and quite frankly amazing. She has always served as a role model as to how to age gracefully and live a productive and fulfilling life. She has many life accomplishments I admire her for, but to me, she has always been the pinnacle of what a grandma should be.

When I was young I would go over to her house and I would spend the weekend there and I would always feel as if the world stopped and it was just her and I. She was so attentive to everything I would say, she would ask questions and was interested in me. She would always listen and make me feel like I was so special. She would always make my favorite breakfast of Cream of Wheat (with lumps) and she would even let me make eggs just the way I liked. She always had special treats, like Seashells from Trader Joe's (ya my grandma has been going there since before it was the trendy thing to do). She was Martha Stewart before everyone else thought they were, teaching me the tricks of the trade of how to make the most superb pies from scratch ( looking back I feel she was instrumental in starting my appreciation for homemade things). She was also "Green" before it was the cool thing to be saving the foil and ziplocks from the picnics at the pool. 

We would do many fun things like go to Boon Companion Toy Store, go to amazing parks, sit and talk for hours, I would watch her play soccer on Saturday mornings....ya she played soccer on The C.O.W.S. The Claremont Older Women's Soccer team. You haven't lived until you've seen your grandma head a soccer ball!!!! (Since she moved she continues her legacy playing tennis, taking her dog walking pretty much everyday rain or shine, participates in a book club, and she also served as a volunteer at a crisis nursery.)We would also go on walks around the Colleges, just as we did this Friday. I truly believe that you don't realize how special a memory is until you can share it with your children, it was so wonderful to be able to experience this...

This is the same tree I used to climb as a child.

After we played awhile here we also had a picnic, and then went on the same walk her and I used to do. But with two kids it was a little different...we went in reverse and at a snails pace, here is what we saw along the way...

A giant mound of sand someone drew these smiley faces into

Outdoor theater

 A chair etched into the stone at the theater        

Had to steal a kiss from a handsome guy... 


This bougainvillea was in the form of a shrub, we had never seen that before.

We thought this tree was beautiful.

Camilla, one of my Grandmas and Moms favorites.

I noticed Gregory was crouched behind a shrub eating something.....

A different piece of art...Can you guess what this is?

Its a torso, no head and REALLLLLLLLLLLLY long arms and legs, no feet. 
I have always wondered what the artist was trying to communicate with this piece.

All in all it was a day I will never forget, I love my Mimi. She is so special to me and I am so thankful to have her be a part of our life. Thank you Mimi for being YOU!!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010


Today instead of going to the church for the womens Bible study we had a marvelous time at Koinonia. Koinonia is the Greek word for fellowship, and thats just what we did.

We ate, laughed, shared something about ourselves...It was so much fun!!! As we were eating the topic of Christmas came up, we talked about having a Christmas without Santa, raising children that know what the holiday really means, and of course the topic of children in general was fun. We had all different ages and stages so the input was great, hence the saying, If you want to know how to climb the mountain ask someone who has done it. It was especially funny to see their faces when I told them I didn't use any antibacterial wipes, soap, etc! You would have thought I said I killed someone HA HA. At that point I knew I really shouldn't tell them I bathe the kids every other day and don't vaccinate the kids, but I refrained.

After we ate we played a game where we had to write 3 things about ourselves that no one else knew.

Mine were:  

1. When I was young I took candy off the shelf and ate it without paying for it...Actually I did end up paying for it with my own money. :)
2. I love rainy days and gloomy weather.
3. I want to home school my kids. 
----Not tooo exciting I know------

When our time was up I had to go back to church and get the kids, I decided to bring them back to Josie's lovely home, since she is expecting her first grandchild in March and I thought she could use some practice. She was so good with the kids! She too had her children close like mine so she had alot of good advice. 
I spent about 4 hours over there today and it flew by!!! Being amongst fellow women and being able to exhort each other is what it is all about.

--Sorry no pictures, forgot my camera...

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

This Is What Happens When My Hubby Works Late....

What have you been thinking about lately? How I can become more of a Proverbs 31 woman.

What’s been on your mind? All the things that I need to do around the house, needing to do my study, helping my mom move, visiting a dear sister in law and having sushi with her, and how I can be a better mom. 

What are you excited about at the moment? My hubby coming home, hes had a long day.

When was the last time you made a difference to somebody? Aside from my kids, I would say when I was a rape crisis advocate for Project Sister.

Who are you really happy for at the moment? My Mom. She has so many new and exciting things going on in her life right now. 

When was the last time you felt inspired? Yesterday, the gloomy weather makes me think about whats really important in life. 

If you could be in your dream place at the moment what would you be doing? At Magic Mt. with my Adam.

If somebody was describing your personality what would they say? She is a strange one... No just kidding... I hope they would say that I am loving and a good friend. 

What are you most proud of? My life. I am 180 degrees from where I was 6 years ago, and only by God's Mercy and Grace.

What’s been tempting you lately? Doubt and Worry. Praise God for His word that comforts me daily.

What’s been the one most consistent thing in your life? God. Changing Diapers. And of course my Adam, he will always be a source of my strength.

What are you sure of? God's Love. 

Who have you inspired lately? I dunno...

What do you love about people? I love that we are all so different, and have such different backgrounds. I love learning about where someone came from and where they are going. 

What gives you butterflies in your tummy? Thinking of spending time with my family in a cabin in Idyllwild. 

When do you find time to reflect? What do you usually reflect about? Usually when the kids are asleep and during my bible study. I think about all kinds of things but mostly: Need vs. Want. If all the materialistic things in the world were to fade away, what would life be like? And also how I can live a more simple life, in every way. Especially financially, recognizing that happiness is not derived from shopping, lattes, cars, clothes, but from the privilege to be alive. 

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

A Simple Woman's Daybook

Outside my window...It is perfect weather, gloomy, rainy, and the leaves of our neighboors lemon tree sway in the wind.

I am thinking...How blessed I am to be able to enjoy the simple things in life, there is so much beauty all around. How easy we forget.

I am thankful for...The fall weather finally setting in, goodbye summer.

From the kitchen... A cup of organic chamomile tea with raw local buckwheat blossom honey.

I am wearing...Comfy clothes and warm cozy socks.

I am going... Nowhere in this weather. 

I am reading...Romans. Such a glorious book of the Bible.

I am hoping...That I am able to get my fruit and veggie garden up and running before the frost.

I am hearing...The sound of SILENCE. Both kids are sleeping. 

Around the house...Toys everywhere.

One of my favorite things... Sitting with my grandma Mimi and enjoying her company...And her homemade apple pie.

A few plans for the rest of the week: Taking a trip to see a friend who broke her foot, and Church on 

Here are some pictures for thought I am sharing...

The Simple Woman’s Daybook is hosted by Peggy each week. 
If you would like to join us in The Simple Woman's Daybook, please see Peggy for details.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Sunday's Reflection

This is the conversation I had tonight with my almost 2 year old in his crib, and yes that means I was in his crib with him :-)

Me: Did you have fun at church today?
Gregory: Babies.
Me: Did you play with kids?
Gregory: Babies.
Me: Oh, you played with babies.
Gregory: Fishies.
Me: You had a goldfish snack?
Gregory: Yes.
Me: Did you play with toys?
Gregory: Ya.
Me: What else did you do at church?
Gregory: Bible.
Me: (So excited that he said that I called Adam in the room) What did you say?
Gregory: Bible.....Sing it.
Me: Oh you sang a song about the Bible!!!!
Gregory: Book.
Me: Yes, the Bible is a book.
Gregory: Want it.
Me: You want a Bible?
Gregory: Yes.

"...Jesus said, Yes, I hear them. And haven't you read in God's Word, 'From the mouths of children and babies I'll furnish a place of praise'?" 
Matthew 21:16

Friday, October 15, 2010

Really!!!! Running In The Sprinklers....


She is so sweet she just wanted to cuddle

Brothers and Sisters are Forever

A Great Way To End The Day...

 Is watching your children happily playing with each other.

Just kidding, back to our normal routine....

 After all that I was able to take in this beautiful moment. 

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Random Questions.....

Got these off my SIL Blog, so here goes nothing....

*would you rather spend a week on the beach or a week on the slopes? slopes for sure, LOVE THE MTS.
*how old are you? 26 
*are you single…married..or divorced? married, almost 3 years
*would you rather watch ‘hoarders’ or ‘i didn’t know i was pregnant’? hoarders, I feel so bad for those people.
*would you rather wear ballet flats … boots …or  flip flops? Boots
*would you rather live on a farm …in the city….or be content in suburbia? On a farm! With tons of animals.
*would you rather have dinner with Whoopi Goldberg or Regis Philbin? Neither.
*would you rather have roasted tomato soup or chicken noodle? roasted tomato because its better for you.
*if you could travel for two weeks anywhere in the world…where would you go? Italy to visit family.
*would you take your husband or travel with a friend?  Hubby.
*would you take your kids or leave them behind? Im not taking a 9mo and 2 year old on a 15 hour plane ride, sorry kids we will talk about this again when you are 10.
*would you rather drive a mini van or mini cooper? mini van, more practical. 
*would you rather  go to a movie or a musical/play? Play for sure, it is refreshing to see raw live talent.
*would you rather have a cupcake or a bag of chips? Cupcake from Wolfe's in Claremont
*would you rather sit and read or watch a favorite show? Show would be nice since since I never do that, no cable...
*when was the last time you slow danced? Its been a while.
*would you rather sit and dream or live your dream?  Live it for sure.
*would you rather eat kraft mac n cheese or ramen noodles? Sick.
*would you rather your child ate their buggers or collected them on their shirt? I'd rather they eat them so I don't have to see them. :) Kids will be Kids.
*would you rather exercise or watch Oprah? exercise, Oprah is a waste of time.
*would you rather wear sweats or get dressed for the day? get dressed, but sometimes sweats and a rainy day are fun.
*would you rather be caught wearing your sweats at walmart or chuck e cheese? Walmart, for sure, I would blend in.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Thank You, From The Bottom Of Our.....


Grandpa... Thank you for always making sure we are covered, literally. 

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

To My Dearest Adam...

I came across this powerful article below and it touched my heart.

....Two words spouses don't hear often enough––from one another:

"Thank you."

  • "Thank you for being my love."
  • "Thank you for working so hard for our family."
  • "Thank you for supporting me."
  • "Thank you for being you."

Gratitude is not an option. It's actually God's will. As the apostle Paul reminds us in 1 Thes. 5:16-18, ". . . give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus." 

The more we express our appreciation toward our mates, the freer we become of negative thoughts and emotions toward one another. Resentment and judgment cannot exist in the same space with appreciation. "Gratitude is the rosemary of the heart," wrote 19th century writer Minna Antrim. How little it would take to sprinkle rosemary into the lives of our spouses. A simple 'thank you' every single day would do it!  As we become available, attentive, aware, and appreciative toward our marriage partners, we are building a relationship that will last a lifetime—and happily so.

I love you, forever.

Thank you Lord...

You have blessed me beyond words.