Monday, June 13, 2011

Soaking up the moments....

That has been my number one priority lately, this is why I haven't blogged in about 2 months.

 Awhile back I decided to stop trying to "do it all" or "be it all" anymore. I had heard a homeschooling mom of 4 at my women's retreat talk about how she does life, real life. Not the life the media sells us women on the cover of Cosmopolitan or Glamour aka perfection. Saying that we have to look perfect, have perfectly mannered children, and a perfectly clean home, a perfectly wonderful- handsome husband, and not to mention the material side of perfection.

She forever changed my life.

 I once clung to the "I'm a type A, list making, get things done, run a tight ship kinda mom. I thought that was who I was, because of course I decide who I am and I'm in control. The Lord had bigger plans for me, as He always does.I was happy in my routine, well happy when stuff was done is more truthful. I was always stressed, tired, complaining, short with my kids, short with God, and the list could go on.

What kind of life is that?  Ever since that realization I have been on a quest for the slower side of life. Savoring the here and now, the simple things in life.

Savor- To appreciate fully; enjoy or relish:

Timing would have it that my sister in law would give me a book that just confirmed, encouraged and reinforced what I had been feeling and thinking. God is so Good. Feelings of love and comfort wash over me as I read knowing that I'm not alone, not alone in this journey of learning how to slow down.